Mint flying

Fish with Headphones

Why Penrabbit?

Here are quick reasons why?

  • I'm rebranding just because of a shift in change of what content I'll be making
  • Penrabbit is unique and shorter! "Fish with Headphones" is harder to deal with signatures and marketing.
  • Penrabbit describes my content in art, and soon, writing than "Fish with Headphones" as it fits more to Music Production
  • I've honestly drawn more rabbits than anything else, so might as well be recognized as such.

Overall, I want to do something different in regard to what I'll make.

I've learned a lot about myself and my beliefs, and I want to move forward because of it. Since I'm not that popular as of now, I want to make this change as soon as possible to minimize any conflicts.

The main mission of Penrabbit is to:

  • To bring joy and influence others to write their story a better one.
  • To create good and entertaining stories regardless of medium.

That being said, I will be doing something controversial by implementing some Christian themes and lessons into my works.

This is because I always wanted to create games because of how it changed my life. However, God changed my life even further and I want to express that through my talents

Will that change my content that much?

It's very possible in some way, but I don't want it to limit to what content I'll make. It's more like a warning to some because I know not a lot like it.

I guess that's pretty much it. This whole thing is not a big deal. But it's one of the steps I think I have to take for the following projects I'll be making. :P

What's next?

So far...

I'm not really sure. But I do know that I'll be focusing more into storywriting than anything else. Drawing, Game Development, and other interests of mine will be used to compliment into stories. So pretty much absolutely nothing, but I have a goal in mind!

That's all I can share for now.

Oh yeah, while I'll be using Penrabbit for now, "Fish with Headphones" is still being used in Discord and probably for other social media accounts. So ya. That's pretty neat since I had a friend that likes the old name still.